The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word Yuj which means to unite. Yoga is described as an equanimity, a state of being calm and in control of your emotions under stress and during difficult times. Dexterity in work is yoga, which means doing work in such a way that one does not get attached to actions or fruits thereof. Yoga helps in the cessation of suffering  and the control of thoughts. The gradual development of your inner potential and moving towards self perfection is also referred to as Yoga.

Yoga an aid to self development. Self development mean  the overall development of one's personality. 'Personality' is a combination of qualities and characteristics that forms an individual's distinctive character.  It is the quality of an individual's total behaviour. It includes attitudes, emotions, thoughts, traits and habits.

Development of personality is essential in the modern world. There are various dimensions of personality. These dimensions consist of physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual aspect. Development of one's personality starts from the day we are born. Both external and internal factors affect the  personality of a person. Thus, yogic exercises are one of the most effective contributing factors for personality development.


It is widely acknowledge that healthy body equals healthy mind, so for the development of one's personality, physical dimension is a very essential factor. Physical dimension refers to our body i.e. all systems of the body should be properly developed. It implies a healthy body without  any disease or illness. Yoga practices like asana, pranayams, mudras and kriyas play a beneficial role  in physical development. Yoga makes a person healthier and less prone to illness. Yoga helps boost immunity and prevents attacks from various viruses and bacterial infection by increasing the level of antibodies. Yoga promotes blood circulation which improves the defence mechanism  of the body and helps in proper functioning of the body.


Yoga exercises are effective for development of emotional dimensions related to our feelings, attitudes and emotions. There's positive emotion such as love and kindness and there's negative emotions such as fear and anger.  Feelings and attitudes may also be positive or negative. Yoga brings emotional stability in a person's life. It helps control negative emotions and develop positive feelings of love and caring. It helps an individual be at peace with himself and his surroundings. Yoga encourages self love and self care, reduces stress and improving self control.


Intellectual development refers to the development of our mental abilities and process such as critical thinking, memory, perception, creativity etc. Development of intellect is essential for the ability to learn new things. Yogic practices improves concentration and creative thinking skills. It helps in freeing the mind from worries and anxieties. A free and peaceful mind is essential for creative and imaginative thinking.


Spiritual dimension consist of ethics, values and habits. It is concerned with self actualization i.e.the realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities. Proper development of your spiritual dimension helps a person realize his own identity. With the aid of meditation an individual can examine one's own thoughts or feelings. In the process of such introspection, an individual can  realize his true identity  and is able to transcend  the contingent world  to the world of beings, realize the limitedness, becomes one with the Ultimate Being and in a way the person will be moulded, shaped and guided spiritually. 


The process of  socialization is not limited to childhood, but continues throughout life and teaches the person about  the norms and rules of the society.  Social development means the growth and development of one's  attitude and behaviour. Yoga posses the power to help build one's values that go a long way in making a person complete. One is able to attain a sense of calmness which helps one tackle any situation that one may face in his day life. The composure that one attains through yoga helps one become more active in social activities.  Socialization is essential in any activities or profession and its enhancement is brought about through yoga.

Yoga is therefore essential in bringing about all round development in a person's life. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well being. So let us make yoga apart of our daily life.


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